B Moore Than You Are

New Stuff


Random Rants

Religion and Spirituality

Hate Crimes

World Wide Weird

Thanks for coming to my site.

NOTICE: This site is unnoficially closed. All of the content will be moving over to http://brentsbrain.20m.com. Thank you for your patronage.

Well, it's been a while since I worked on this page. I suppose I should get off of my lazy ass and start devoting some time to it, and practicing my HTML skills more so that I can get rid of all this Template shit. So for a while now, this site will probably appear worse than it already is (if possible), and it will be under major construction. Actually, in all truth, I don't think that I will ever get this working to the point that I would like it to be. Just another incomplete, mis-matched part of my life.

I'm also going to try to get this submitted to a few search engines, and take some of the content on this page out of here. E-mail me if you want to submit your ideas.

Site Updates
Well, the site is new. But not as new as it used to be. Just like you are not as new as you once were. I'll soon have links, stories, a look into my mind, wallpapers, and maybe even a different MP3 that I dig each week.

The .wav file page is up and growing. It's pretty small right now, and doesn't really follow the scheme with the rest of the page, but who cares. And for some information on how important conformity and appearance is, check out the Hate Crime page.

I have also added another page of links here. And don't forget to sign the guestbook.

If you contact me....
please put "B Moore Than You Are" in the subject line, so that I can distinguish it from all the junk e-mail I get everyday. If it comes from an unfamiliar address, and I can't recognize it as anything important, it will be deleted without even being read.

C'est la vie, eh?
I only posted this image at first as a temporary image to fill space, but it sort of found it's permanent home here. I think it speaks volumes itself, don't you? Just when you are finally ready to do what you want to do, you realize what you need to do. I also think Calvin and Hobbes was one of the best comics in the world. For your daily dose of the best Calvin-ball team ever, click here.

How did I build this site?
For an explanation on how I built this site, why it doesn't all match, and my own personal advice on web page publishing, click here.

Site Enhancements
Enhancements. Well, of course I am planning on media things and whatnot. (Speading of which, check out the .wav files) But I would also like to post some things on here to enhance you, your mind. The kind of stuff to make you think. The kind of stuff to make you Be More Than You Are.

Something to think about.
How is a raven like a writing desk?

An apology.
Allright, I know. I did use a template while designing this site. This is because my HTML skills are not yet where I would like them to be. As time progresses, and I become better with them, the site will slowly change, and move away from the template. Remember, it's the content of the package, not the wrapping paper that counts.


If it be now, tis not to come. If it be not to come, it will be now.
If it be not now yet, it will come. The readiness is all.